Saturday, June 7, 2014

Packing for Dummies

  Please don't take the title of this blog to mean that I am packing for a bunch of dummies. That's not what I mean. I called it "Packing for Dummies" because much of what I am about to tell you may seem obvious or be common knowledge, but somehow, I managed to miss out on these helpful hints until I had two kids and it became imperative that I lighten our load when traveling. So, "Packing for Dummies" refers to the instruction of packing for those of us who didn't already know and for those of us who have done things like take a seperate suitcase just for our shoes on a weekend trip from north Alabama to Miami, even though we would be in the car longer than at the actual event. (Well, I should actually say I PACKED a seperate suitcase. I wound up leaving it sitting outside my apartment building and not realizing I'd done so until I was hours away. See? "Packing for Dummies" really is an appropriate title.) 
1. The List:
   The first thing I have learned to do is to start making a list ahead of time. I use our chalkboard cabinet (see many various Pinterest pages for instructions) and just add to it during the week(s) before the trip when you remember something you need to bring. It's not necessary to get extremely specific (yellow shorts, white tank top, etc.) but it is a good idea to remind yourself to pack iPads, chargers, sunscreen, etc. I never start the actual packing until the day before. If I start sooner, I will need something I've packed or forget what has/hasn't been packed, so while I may start gathering, I never actually put things in the suitcase. Once I do start packing, I erase the items from the board as they go into the suitcase or car.  Before we walk out the door, we make sure the board is completely erased.
2. For the kids:
   The best idea I ever ran across on Pinterest was from The idea is to put kids' outfits in gallon zip-lock bags, 1 outfit per bag. Include underwear, shoes, accessories and when  you are at your destination, kids just grab a bag and get ready each day. It's all right there for them.  (Take it easy earth-friendly friends. I have been using the same gallon zip-lock bags for years. I just store them inside the pockets of the girl's suitcases where they will be handy for the next time I pack.)
   Also, use a backpack instead of a diaper bag. I don't know how it took me two kids to figure this one out, but it's much easier toting a baby with a backpack on then while trying to keep a diaper bag on your shoulder.
3. The big folks: roll your clothes instead of folding. It saves space and reduces wrinkles. 
   Also, just as with the kids, set limits. Kids get the usual electronic gadgets and books plus 1 small stuffed animal each and mom gets 3 pair of shoes. (Give me a break here. I have come a long way since the Miami shoe suitcase days, but a girl still needs black, brown and running shoes.)
  I always overpacked because I was so afraid I'd need something and not have it. However, up until this point, I have never been anywhere where I couldn't get the item I've needed. Make your list ahead of time and stick to it. No throwing in extras you "might" need! Also, keep in mind, the less you pack, the less you will have to unpack!


  1. You are hilarious!!! Now that the hard part is done, enjoy your trip!

  2. Love the zip lock bag idea!!! My kids are the worst about tearing through a suitcase when I so clearly matched pants on top of shorts. Underwear and socks in the top part. Would greatly reduce the mommy stress when my hotel room looks like a tornado and their suitcase looks so strewn apart that I couldn't guess what was clean and nicely folded and what was dirty and wadded up

  3. Glad you found it helpful! It has saved us a lot of time and digging on vacations. It's also very useful when the kids travel with grandparents. That way, the grands don't have to try to figure out what goes with what.
