Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fun (and Educational!) Finds from Target

  My Girl-Child is a friggin' genius when it comes to animals. She soaks up facts like a little sponge and doesn't forget. EVER. But, there are some things she struggles with, mainly because she THINKS she can't do it, gets upset and shuts down. Math has been a big frustration for her simply because she lacks confidence. Her teachers have been great at helping us work through this and I'm hoping next year goes well, too. We have a meeting today with last year's teacher, the Chief Learning Leader (principal) and next year's teacher to talk strategy (what has worked, didn't work, and a plan for next year).
  Given our struggles with math confidence, I was excited to run across these finds at Target last night to help us get ready to go back to school.

 I figure that letting her review what we learned in 3rd grade at home in her own time, at her own pace, and getting in some extra confidence-building practice certainly can't hurt as we get close to the beginning of 4th grade. I want her to be confident in what she has learned in the past to hopefully make 4th grade math seem less daunting. So far, she is loving the play $ and is getting good practice making change by playing "store" with me. We are buying and selling Minnie Mouse's clothes and accessories out of a magnetic dress-up kit (Melissa & Doug brand) that her sister got for her birthday.

 The Division and Multiplication Workbooks were only $1. (The Frozen "Count on Us" book is for my little, age 2, who is learning to count to 10.)  My Girl-Child loves the insect flash cards w/ facts on the back. Our deal is that she works on her math each day (today she did 2 workbook pages) in exchange for extra iPad time or a prize. She has played with the money on her own with no reward. The letter magnets, insect flash cards, and Just Dance 2015 Wii game were prizes. The Space Chase Box Game also turns multiplication and division review into playtime, I just have to remember to not rush her when it's her turn and keep the mood light so she doesn't get frustrated. All of this came from the One Spot (all $1 except the play money, which was $3) with the only exception being the Wii game, which was 50% off with Cartwheel coupon making it about $20 To be honest, the Just Dance is just as much for me as the kids. I like to play the "Just Sweat" mode for 30 mins or so when I can't get out of the house for some cardio. To my 2-year-olds delight, this 2015 version of the game has "Let It Go" from Frozen as one of the song options for play. Because, Lord knows we all need to hear that song one more time! Ha! 

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